
Anna Chapman Russian Female Spy PICTURES

Anna Chapman Russian Female Spy PICTURES

Photos! Pictures here are Anna Chapman, an alleged female spy working for Russia. Anna Chapman, a Russian national living in New York, is a spy, according to FBI.
Anna Chapman Spy-alleged Picture
Anna Chapman: a real-life spy out of Angelina Jolie’s Russian spy movie Salt?
Anna Chapman was arrested Monday when a ring of 11 alleged Russian spies was busted in USA and Cypus.
Anna Chapman Facebook Profile Picture
Femme Fatale: Anna Chapman is alleged of a spy working for Moscow Center
The following are excerpts from New York Post describing Anna Chapman’s espionage activities against USA:
A ring of 11 Russian moles right out of a Cold War spy novel was smashed yesterday [June 28, 2010] — and among those busted was a flame-haired, 007-worthy beauty who flitted from high-profile parties to top-secret meetings around Manhattan.
Russian national Anna Chapman [...] had been passing information to a Russian government official every Wednesday since January, authorities charged.
In one particularly slick spy exchange on St. Patrick’s Day, Chapman pulled a laptop out of a tote bag in a bookstore at Warren and Greenwich streets in the West Village while her handler lurked outside, receiving her message on his own computer, the feds said. A similar exchange occurred at a Midtown coffee shop at 47th Street and 8th Ave.
The FBI claimed the two were corresponding via a secret online network.
Last week, an undercover agent pretending to be a Russian official arranged a meeting to talk about the weekly laptop exchanges, pretending to be ready to send the sexy spy on a mission to deliver a fake passport to another female agent, according to the federal complaint.
“Are you ready for this step?” he asked. “S¤-¤-¤-, yes,” Chapman allegedly gushed.
The undercover instructed her on how she would recognize her fellow spy and how to report back on the handoff, the feds said.
“Haven’t we met in California last summer?” the spy expecting the fake passport was supposed to say. Chapman was to respond, “No, I think it was the Hamptons,” according to the FBI.
Chapman allegedly was also supposed to hold a magazine under her arm so her counterpart would recognize her, and plant a stamp on a wall map indicate the handoff was a success.
It never took place.
Another spy-movie-like maneuver took place in Brooklyn shortly after the meeting with the undercover agent when Chapman darted into a Verizon phone store to buy a cell using the name Irine Kutsov, and an address of “99 Fake Street,” the feds said. She only planned to use the phone to “avoid detection of her conversations,” the FBI alleged.
At her arraignment last night, she was held without bail as federal prosecutor Michael Farbiarz called her a “highly trained agent” and a “practiced deceiver.”
According to reports, Anna Chapman is 28 years old. Despite of her young age, Chapman already had an unsuccessful marriage. There’s no information available on her former husband.
Anna Chapman had a masters’ degree in economics and a millions-worth online real-estate business. Reports did not mention when she sneaked into USA.
Alleged Russian female spy Anna Chapman (Pictures credits: Facebook)
Anna Chapman Portrait PictureAnna Chapman PictureAnna  Chapman PicAnna  Chapman in red PictureAnna Chapman Head-shot Picture
It’s believed Anne Chapman worked under her true name. In spite of as a secretive agent, Chapman did use her real name to register an account at Facebook.com (chapmananya) where she befriended with more than 100 Russians.
Her motto declared at the social network, “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.”
But as now she was busted and is facing 5 years in prison, for sure, Anna Chapman’s dream has been crippled.

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