
Rose McGowan Wearing A Completely TRANSPARENT Fishnet Dress

Rose McGowan Wearing A Completely TRANSPARENT Fishnet Dress

Actress Rose McGowan is certainly a worthy addition to the babes section of my blog, don't you agree?
Rose McGowan
McGowan is most famous for her role on the TV series "Charmed", and for appearing as an amputee sporting a machine gun prosthetic leg in Tarrantino's "Grindhouse" feature.
Rose McGowan Rose McGowan
She has one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood, a nice all natural figure, and a lovely complexion. Some might say she's too pale, but I think it's gorgeous.
Rose McGowan
Rose caused quite a stir in 1998 when she walked the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards ceremony with her then boyfriend Marilyn Manson wearing a completely TRANSPARENT fishnet dress.
Rose McGowan

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