Two things...
One, it's difficult to conceptualize and execute a film like ROBOT.
Two, when Rajinikant's name comes in the credits, one cannot hear anything for the next two minutes. His name is greeted with a thunderous applause, whistles yells and cheers. Such is the charisma of this superstar. Rajnikant is the Boss. The real Badshaah.

ROBOT, directed by Shankar, is a Rajnikant Express that transports you to a world you can't envision. Rajnikant's feats are legendary by now. In ROBOT, he goes a step further. The Robot in ROBOT not only follows orders of his creator, but also cooks, fights, romances and wonder of wonders, has a lengthy conversation with a mosquito and scan loads of books/magazines and an entire telephone directory in a second. Yes, you read it right! 

That's not all, this Robot is Superman + Spiderman + Terminator + Godzilla, all rolled into one. There's more to this Robot. It can replicate itself, wage a vicious battle, turn into an Anaconda or a monster ball and wipe off an entire army. Whew! Known for larger than life canvas, ROBOT is Shankar's most expensive and if I may say so, his most imaginative film thus far. And who better than Rajnikant for the pivotal role!  

Final word? A Rajnikant film is an event and this combo's [Shankar - Rajnikant] new outing ROBOT is sure to strike like Tsunami. Let me make it short-n-sweet. If you miss ROBOT, it's YOUR loss!  

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