Endhiran Sequel?

Superstar Rajnikanth said he has no idea on Endhiran – The Robo sequel. After such a huge success of Endhiran – Robot, it is inevitable that the thought of sequel triggers amongst everyone. But Rajnikanth said that he has no idea as of now.

Rajnikanth was in Mumbai organizing a special screening for Bollywood stars like Amitabh Bachchan, and other biggies. In this connection, Rajini was fielding several questions from the media, but he was very cautious to answer.

Speaking to the media for few minutes, Rajnikanth said that he was very happy to taste Endhiran – Robo success. “I’m very happy since everyone is enjoying the picture”, said Rajnikanth.

Questioned on whether Endhiran – Robo has any sequel, Rajinikanth said, “I don’t have any idea. After such a big film and work, I really want to go on a holiday. I want to take a break. We’ll see later what’s in store”.

When asked about Endhiran – Robo collections, “You should ask this question to the producer”, said Rajnikanth in a lighter vein.

Asked whether he has any plans of getting into politics, since he’s very famous, “No comments”, quips Rajini.

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